Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Rule of Thirds & Lead-in Line

The rule of thirds is a basic principle in photography and graphic design. It states that the use of this rule to compose a design, photograph or image can be made more interesting visually by dividing the page into thirds vertically and horizontally equally. Position important objects at the one or more of the intersections of the lines.

Image from about.com

The lead-in line can be visually important to any viewer, helping them navigate their way through an image. The effect of such a line can be presented in many ways from a zig-zag or s-shaped, leading one from the focus point out of the picture. 


Lead-in lines are defined by Liza Masoner as lines within an image that leads the eye to another point in the image, or occasionally, out of the image.

Since we are on the topic of images I would like to share a video off youtube. How you could improve your designs, images and photographs with these 2 simples rules, the rule of thirds and lead in line.

Bear, J, B, 1997, Use the Rule of Thirds - Compose your page in thirds, viewed 8 February 2011, <http://desktoppub.about.com/cs/pagelayout/qt/rule_of_thirds.htm>

Masoner, L, 2007, Leading Lines, viewed 8 February 2011, <http://photography.about.com/od/gloss3/g/LeadingLines.htm>

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